Mathilde Ludendorff believed in the preservation of the different races

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Most of Mathilde Ludendorff's writings are in German and are rare,
please help me purchase them and translate them into English. 

Mathilde Ludendorff was not a genocidal maniac who wanted to wipe the earth clean of all non-White races.  She believed that each of the races sang their own special song of god and that if one of them disappeared it destroyed the diversity of the experience of god. I think however that there were certain elements to her official religion that she regarded as purely Nordic, made for Nordic people, such as a scientific outlook and a rejection of superstition. I know she was very much against race mixing which she saw as destroying unique racial consciousness.

Because every people experiences certain traits of the divine particularly intimately. Mathilde Ludendorff speaks figuratively of a choir in which each nation sings its own special song of God. 

"His song of God in words, deeds and deeds therefore sounds different from that of another people. When a people perishes, a song of God disappears from the choir of nations. It impoverishes the world in the diversity of the experience of God."

(M. Ludendorff: The People's Soul's Work in the Human Soul and its Spilling by Foreign Doctrine and Racial Mixture, p. 80 f)


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